What butterflies mean to me, and why they are so important to me!!

The butterfly is a symbol of transformation or change, love, and joy. In paintings mostly Dutch Renaissance, butterflies stand for fleeting love.
When I first fell in love with butterflies I just thought they were cute, but now I think about it , they represents a new life for me. I just started college courses online Dec 6TH. 2010, and I am changing in ways that I would have never even thought of . So for me butterflies mean changes and living life to the fullest!!
Don't ever give up!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Today is April 15th.!!

 Well today is April 15th, 2011 and I made my first blogger ever in life. I am so proud of it, I didn't think I could do it, but with a little patience I figured it out.
 I had to do this for a school assignment. When I first started I thought OMG! I am never gonna get this I even called my mother and she told me it takes time and patience. When she said that I did exactly what she told me to do, and it came out just the way she is almost perfect(Only because NO one is perfect). Thanks mom,because of you its beautiful!
 I am gonna try to come in everyday and post my daily journel. I figured that will help me along my journey in life.


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